1 mean Gene  Feb 25, 2008 3:28:55pm

Your comment sent me to the article then on to google JW’s in the news.
Seems that group has the largest turnover rate of all US religions.
A quote from a different part of the Pew study:

…..two-thirds of the people who told Pew they were raised Jehovah’s Witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts. Notes Forum director Luis Lugo, “No wonder they have to keep on knocking on doors.”
2 FoolsMate  Feb 25, 2008 3:37:35pm

Yeah the combination of high turnover and “fastest growing” is a strange one. Perhaps the new converts are burning out after wearing out several pairs of shoes (going door-to-door)?

3 TalkinKamel  Feb 26, 2008 8:31:04am

American religious denominations have always been in flux. For instance, back in the 19th, early 20th Century, it was customary for Catholics, if they gained some money and status, to become Episcopalians——a much more “refined” faith. And I forget just how the old joke goes, but it’s something like this: a Methodist is a Baptist who owns a pair of shoes. A Presbyterian is a Methodist, who owns a house. A Unitarian is a Methodist with a house and a car. An Episcopalian is a Presbyterian, with a trust fund. And in the 60’s—-70’s of course, it became cool to claim one was into Eastern religions (though many of those who made such claims had no idea of actual Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.)

It might be that, in a free society such as ours, where nobody is going to be killed for being an apostate, or forced to parrot whatever faith is approved by the king and/or the state (or forced to be unbelievers, if that’s what the state wants), religious belief, and movement between denominations, will will be fluid and constantly fluctuating. Maybe this is free religion’s natural state.

4 FoolsMate  Feb 26, 2008 10:16:11am

I’m holding off picking one until I can decipher which one contains the ultimate truths.

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